Morning prayers and travel

Morning prayers proceed apace… I usually end up doing them before I go to bed these days, if that tells you when I’ve been going to bed. Still. It’s good to have consistency, and a prayer before sleep is better than forgetting to say prayer in the morning because of random things that happen to distract you.

Yesterday, I took some time to trance, and spoke with Freyja, Rhiannon, and Ffraid. The goal was to work on my trance work with the Goddesses I work with and compare them to rune readings done a few days later, so I’ll be reading Wednesday to see how things went. In the meantime, writing for Ffraid’s rite for Imbolc also proceeds apace.

Tonight, I plan on doing a mound journey, if distractions don’t prevent it. Technically, I should be doing it next week, but I feel like I need the practice.

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